Man has always underestimated the importance and respect of the earth that cradles it, nourishes it and allows it to live.
In the past years, especially in the 60s and 70s, there has been a boom in the production of plastics and other very polluting casings, still today everything we buy is packed and packed
with them. The most serious problem is that at the time there was no education and knowledge such as to make the consumers and especially the producers realize that the cost of this material was very low but that the cost that would have paid our planet would have been (and it is) much higher.
We were not aware of all these consequences, and there was no good disposal and no recycled collection.
All this has led to a huge global warming, we consume more than we really need because of the society of consumerism which, as the philosopher Bauman says everything is liquid, nothing has a value that persists in time.
We live in the age of disposable!
Fortunately for us, in recent years there has been a greater awareness and awareness of what is happening to our planet and for this reason different mechanisms have been activated: recycled collection and reuse of waste to create completely new things. For older people it was necessary to implement a re-education and for the were provided programs and activities to raise awareness and make them grow with a behavior distant from that of our grandparents and parents.
Some associations, both new and just born, have engaged in this field and have planned various activities such as cleaning the beaches, public parks and many other common areas by organizing special days for all ages and have the aim of teaching that we must necessarily have respect for the environment in which we live for a better quality.
The relationship therefore between man and nature is very important but, even more
important is to know how to do it and teach it through these activities, immersive and in direct contact.
Giulia Fiacchi